Examples Full System

The examples include lithium-ion energy storage, PV solar panels and all components to make the system plug and play.

We supply recycled battery cells from the automotive industry made in Japan by www.gs-yuasa.com for Mitsubishi Outlander vehicles.

The energy capacity values indicated in the list are equal to 80% of the corresponding nominal capacity of new batteries. Those values are the warranted minimum capacity

Solar panels: Sharp Solar 300 Wp or more


Battery Energy capacity Nr Solar panels Peak power What can be powered
3.1 kWh 3 1.2 kW Computers, television, fan, fridge, Led lamps
4.7 kWh 5 1.6 kW Computers, television, fan, fridge, Led lamps
6.3 kWh 6 2.0 kW Computers, television, fan, fridge, Led lamps, 1 small airco unit
7.9 kWh 8 2.0 kW Computers, television, fan, fridge, Led lamps, 1 medium size airco unit
9.4 kWh 10 3.0 kW Computers, television, fan, fridge, Led lamps, 1 medium size airco unit
12.8 kWh 12 5.0 kW Computers, television, fan, fridge, Stove, Led lamps, 2 medium size airco units
25.0 kWh 24 8.0 kW Small school or health centre, large villa, ATM machines
37.5 kWh 36 10.0 kW Larger school, health centre or small supermarket,
50.0 kWh 48 15.0 kW Small remote Telecom Tower, tourist resort, medium size enterprises
100.0 kWh 100 15.0 kW Large remote Telecom Tower, small hospital, banks


The general terms and conditions apply to the entire price list unless otherwise agreed by written notification.



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